Thursday, February 11, 2010

1 Feb - 12 Feb

Date : 1.2.2010 Monday

Form 4K5 ( 2 Periods )

Learning Area : BODY COORDINATION (Chapter 2)
Learning Objective : Understanding hormonal coordination in the body
Learning Outcomes :Student is able to:
• compare and contrast nervous coordination with hormonal coordination,
• explain with examples the coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in response to a specific stimulus,
• explain the importance of coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in response to a specific stimulus.
Activities :
1. Carry out an activity to compare and contrast nervous coordination with hormonal coordination and present the similarities and differences in a graphic organizer.
2. Simulate “fright and flight” situations or relate an incident to discuss the following:
a) coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in producing a response to a stimulus,
b) the importance of coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in ensuring a smooth and

Teaching aids / ICT: Form 4 Science Teaching courseware CD 2
Reflection : Objectives achieved

Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris
Form 5K8 ( 1 Period )
Copy a dialogue : ‘ In the doctor’s room’

Form 5K1 ( 2 Periods )
Tema : 1.Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk : Perikemanusiaan ke arah Kesejahteraan Negara
 Empati
 Menghargai Nyawa
 Menjaga Maruah
 Cinta akan Keamanan
Hasil Pembelajaran :
Pengetahuan Sivik
• Menerangkan konsep perikemanusiaan
• Menghuraikan isu-isu kemanusiaan
• Menjelaskan kepentingan nilai-nilai perikemanusiaan kepada masyarakat
Kemahiran Sivik
• Mengamalkan cara hidup berperikemanusiaan
• Melibatkan diri secara aktif dalam pembentukan masyarakat penyayang
Nilai Sivik
• Menghargai kesejahteraan negara
Aktiviti :
Mengadakan aktiviti perbincangan kumpulan tentang masalah remaja berkaitan dengan isu-isu kemanusiaan (contoh : penderaan dan pembuangan bayi)
BBB : Buku teks
Refleksi : Pelajar dapat mnjelaskan kepentingan nilai-nilai perikemanusiaan kepada masyarakat

Date : .2.2.2010 Tuesday

Form 4K6 ( 2 Periods )
Learning Area : BODY COORDINATION (Chapter 2)
Learning Objective : Understanding hormonal coordination in the body
Learning Outcomes :Student is able to:
• compare and contrast nervous coordination with hormonal coordination,
• explain with examples the coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in response to a specific stimulus,
• explain the importance of coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in response to a specific stimulus
Activities :
1. Carry out an activity to compare and contrast nervous coordination with hormonal coordination and present the similarities and differences in a graphic organizer.
2. Simulate “fright and flight” situations or relate an incident to discuss the following:
a) coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in producing a response to a stimulus,
b) the importance of coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in ensuring a smooth and
Teaching aids / ICT: Form 4 Science Teaching courseware CD 2
Reflection : Objectives achieved

Form 4K8 ( 2 Periods )
Learning Area : BODY COORDINATION (Chapter 2)
Learning Objective : Understanding hormonal coordination in the body
Learning Outcomes :Student is able to:
• compare and contrast nervous coordination with hormonal coordination,
• explain with examples the coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in response to a specific stimulus,
• explain the importance of coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in response to a specific stimulus
• .
Activities :
1. Carry out an activity to compare and contrast nervous coordination with hormonal coordination and present the similarities and differences in a graphic organizer.
2. Simulate “fright and flight” situations or relate an incident to discuss the following:
a) coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in producing a response to a stimulus,
b) the importance of coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in ensuring a smooth and

Teaching aids / ICT: Form 4 Science Teaching courseware CD 2
Reflection : Objectives achieved


Date : .3.2.2010 Wednesday
Form 4K6 ( 2 Periods )

Learning Area : BODY COORDINATION (Chapter 2)
Learning Objective : Evaluating the effects of drug abuse on body coordination and health
Learning Outcomes :Student is able to:
• define what drugs are,
• list examples of drugs,
• explain what drug abuse is,
• describe the effects of drug abuse on body coordination,
• describe the effects of drug abuse on health.
Activities :
1. View videos and discuss drugs, drug abuse and the effects of drug abuse on body coordination and health.
Teaching aids / ICT: Form 4 Science Teaching courseware CD 2
Reflection : Objectives achieved

Form 4K8 ( 2 Periods )

Learning Area : BODY COORDINATION (Chapter 2)
Learning Objective : Evaluating the effects of drug abuse on body coordination and health
Learning Outcomes :Student is able to:
• define what drugs are,
• list examples of drugs,
• explain what drug abuse is,
• describe the effects of drug abuse on body coordination,
• describe the effects of drug abuse on health.
Activities :
1. View videos and discuss drugs, drug abuse and the effects of drug abuse on body coordination and health.
Teaching aids / ICT: Form 4 Science Teaching courseware CD 2
Reflection : Objectives achieved

Form 4K5 ( 1Period )

Learning Area : BODY COORDINATION (Chapter 2)
Learning Objective : Evaluating the effects of drug abuse on body coordination and health
Learning Outcomes :Student is able to:
• define what drugs are,
• list examples of drugs,
• explain what drug abuse is,
• describe the effects of drug abuse on body coordination,
• describe the effects of drug abuse on health.
Activities :
1. View videos and discuss drugs, drug abuse and the effects of drug abuse on body coordination and health.
Teaching aids / ICT: Form 4 Science Teaching courseware CD 2
Reflection : Objectives achieved


Date : 4.2.2010 Thursday
Form 5K3 ( 2 Periods )
Tema : 1.Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk : Perikemanusiaan ke arah Kesejahteraan Negara
 Empati
 Menghargai Nyawa
 Menjaga Maruah
 Cinta akan Keamanan
Hasil Pembelajaran :
Pengetahuan Sivik
• Menerangkan konsep perikemanusiaan
• Menghuraikan isu-isu kemanusiaan
• Menjelaskan kepentingan nilai-nilai perikemanusiaan kepada masyarakat
Kemahiran Sivik
• Mengamalkan cara hidup berperikemanusiaan
• Melibatkan diri secara aktif dalam pembentukan masyarakat penyayang
Nilai Sivik
• Menghargai kesejahteraan negara
Aktiviti :
Mengadakan aktiviti perbincangan kumpulan tentang masalah remaja berkaitan dengan isu-isu kemanusiaan (contoh : penderaan dan pembuangan bayi)
BBB : Buku teks
Refleksi : Pelajar dapat mnjelaskan kepentingan nilai-nilai perikemanusiaan kepada masyarakat

Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris
Form 5K8 ( 1 Period )
Practice : ‘ In the doctor’s room’ dialogue in pair and act.

Date : 5.2.2010 Friday

Form 4K8 ( 1 Period )
Learning Area : BODY COORDINATION (Chapter 2)
Learning Objective : Analysing the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination and health
Learning Outcomes :Student is able to:
• list examples of alcoholic drinks,
• describe the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination
• describe the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on health,
• justify the importance of avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol.
Activities :
1. Gather information from The science teaching courseware and discuss
a) examples of alcoholic drinks,
b) effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination (effect on reaction times) and health,
2. the importance of avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol.
Teaching aids / ICT: Form 4 Science Teaching courseware CD 2
Reflection : Objectives achieved

Form 4K6 ( 1 Period )
Learning Area : BODY COORDINATION (Chapter 2)
Learning Objective : Analysing the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination and health
Learning Outcomes :Student is able to:
• list examples of alcoholic drinks,
• describe the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination
• describe the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on health,
• justify the importance of avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol.
Activities :
1. Gather information from The science teaching courseware and discuss
• examples of alcoholic drinks,
• effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination (effect on reaction times) and health,
2. the importance of avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol.
Teaching aids / ICT: Form 4 Science Teaching courseware CD 2
Reflection : Objectives achieved

Form 4K5 ( 2 Periods )
Learning Area : BODY COORDINATION (Chapter 2)
Learning Objective : Analysing the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination and health
Learning Outcomes :Student is able to:
• list examples of alcoholic drinks,
• describe the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination
• describe the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on health,
• justify the importance of avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol.
Activities :
1. Gather information from The science teaching courseware and discuss
• examples of alcoholic drinks,
• effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination (effect on reaction times) and health,
2. the importance of avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol.
Teaching aids / ICT: Form 4 Science Teaching courseware CD 2
Reflection : Objectives achieved

Date : 8.2.2010 Monday

Form 4K5 ( 2 Periods )
Learning Area : BODY COORDINATION (Chapter 2)
Learning Objective :Realising the importance of sound and healthy mind
Learning Outcomes :Student is able to:
• state what mind is,
• identify factors that affect the mind,
• explain how substance abuse can affect the mind,
• justify the importance of a healthy and sound mind
• Gather information from books and the science teaching courseware and discuss the following:
1. Gather information from books, newspapers, magazines or Internet and discuss the following:
a) examples of alcoholic drinks,
b) effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination (effect on reaction times) and health
c) the importance of avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol
Teaching aids / ICT: Form 4 Science Teaching courseware CD 2
Reflection : Objectives achieved

Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris
Form 5K8 ( 1 Period )

Form 5K1 ( 2 Periods )
Tema : Pencapaian Kendiri

Ujian Topical

Date : 9.2.2010 Tuesday

Form 4K6 ( 2 Periods )

Learning Area : BODY COORDINATION (Chapter 2)
Learning Objective :Realising the importance of sound and healthy mind
Learning Outcomes :Student is able to:
• state what mind is,
• identify factors that affect the mind,
• explain how substance abuse can affect the mind,
• justify the importance of a healthy and sound mind
• Gather information from books and the science teaching courseware and discuss the following:
1. Gather information from books, newspapers, magazines or Internet and discuss the following:
a) examples of alcoholic drinks,
b) effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination (effect on reaction times) and health
c) the importance of avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol
Teaching aids / ICT: Form 4 Science Teaching courseware CD 2
Reflection : Objectives achieved

Form 4K8 ( 2 Periods )
Learning Area : BODY COORDINATION (Chapter 2)
Learning Objective :Realising the importance of sound and healthy mind
Learning Outcomes :Student is able to:
• state what mind is,
• identify factors that affect the mind,
• explain how substance abuse can affect the mind,
• justify the importance of a healthy and sound mind
• Gather information from books and the science teaching courseware and discuss the following:
1. Gather information from books, newspapers, magazines or Internet and discuss the following:
a) examples of alcoholic drinks,
b) effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination (effect on reaction times) and health
c) the importance of avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol
Teaching aids / ICT: Form 4 Science Teaching courseware CD 2
Reflection : Objectives achieved

Date : 10.2010 Wednesday

Form 4K6 ( 2 Periods )

Diagnostic Test Chapter 1 & 2

Form 4K8 ( 2 Periods )

Diagnostic Test Chapter 1 & 2

Form 4K5 ( 1 Period)

Diagnostic Test Chapter 1

Date : 11.2.2010 Thursday

Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris
Form 5K8 ( 1 Period )

Form 5K1 ( 2 Periods )
Tema : 1 Pencapaian Kendiri

Ujian Topical

Date : 12.2010 Friday

Form 4K6 ( 1Period )

Correction and discussion : Diagnostic Test Chapter 1 & 2

Form 4K8 ( Period )

Correction and discussion : Diagnostic Test Chapter 1 & 2

Form 4K5 ( 2 Periods)

Diagnostic Test Chapter 2
Correction and discussion : Diagnostic Test Chapter 1 & 2